We hope you enjoyed your first session with us. We look forward to helping you continue your journey to a better and deeper understanding of each other and how this can help strengthen your relationship and upcoming marriage.
At your session, we talked about:
Your expectations about these sessions and of each other and;
Why these sessions are important.
For these pre-marriage sessions we will using a highly recommended resource from Pursue God.org called Pre-Marriage Basics.
We learned God’s Design for Marriage and the three basic principles for a healthy, life-long marriage: Choose Love, Earn Trust and Keep Talking.
REFLECTION - Sharing your thoughts
We’d love to know your thoughts about session one. To send your reflection click the button at the bottom of this page. Let us know any questions you may have.
Before we meet again, make some time to sit together and, watch this video > Choosing Love from Day One in Marriage
After watching this video, have a go at the Talking Points below. We will chat more about this when we’re together.
If you’re working from a faulty definition of love, your marriage will be missing the foundation it needs to last a lifetime.
- Modern culture depicts love as a ____________ that comes and goes. Many couples use this unrealistic standard to measure the quality of love in their marriage.
- The _____________ paints a different picture of marital love: Love is a ____________, not just a feeling. Love is based on a promise and is represented by our marriage vows. Proverbs 20:25
- The ultimate analogy for love is how Christ loves his __________. He gave up his life for his “ ________________” even though he didn’t feel like it. Ephesians 5 : 25 - 27.
ALSO WATCH the 5 Love Languages to discover your love language.
Take the Quiz to find out your Love Language and share some practical ways you will start speaking your partner’s love language in your REFLECTION.
Here are some messages to encourage you about LOVE:
Bring with you to your next session, the couples’ survey and don’t forget to send that through to us before we meet.
Looking forward to reading your reflection.
Until then, See you at your next session :)
D & I x