It was all about T-R-U-S-T in this session; an element in marriage that is so important to work at daily.
At your session, we talked about:
the meaning of trust and areas you’ve found it hard to trust each other.
three components to trust (reactive, measurable, takes time).
scripture that points us to understanding ways God earns our trust, and how forgiveness plays a part in it.
REFLECTION - Sharing your thoughts
We’d love to know your thoughts about this session. To send your reflection, click the button at the bottom of this page. Let us know any questions you may have.
Also watch What's Your Apology Language? video.
Take the Apology Quiz to find out your apology language and let’s share your insights at your next session.
To prepare for your final pre-marriage session with us, make some time to sit together and, watch this video > Better Communication from Day One in Your Marriage
After watching this video, have a go at the Talking Points below. We will chat more about this when we’re together.
Love and trust are great, but without the practical skill of good communication, your marriage might not go the distance.
- Healthy couples keep ________ , even when it leads to conflict. Fighting is good and helpful if you do it the right way. Ephesians 4:29
- Avoid the three unhealthy “_____________ Languages”: escalation, withdrawal, and invalidation. These habits become the issues that ________________ you from talking about the issue you’re trying to solve.
- Healthy communicators use “I feel… because” statements instead of ___________ fingers at their spouse. Learn to be an active listener and work together to find ____________.
Here is a message which touches on trust. We draw your attention point 2 Hope is found when you trust Him (starts at 36:19)
Looking forward to reading your reflection.
Until then, See you at your next session :)
D & I x