Key things you need to know for 2025 🤩
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At the start of 2022, we moved our church calendar from four terms to three seasons. This will allow time for our leaders and teams to rest and to prepare for the season ahead.
We are pleased to see that this has been working well over the last few years. This will continue.
Our calendar is divided into three seasons with three months per season:
SZN 1 | January, February, March
SZN 2 | May, June, July
SZN 3 | September, October, November
The Season break for those serving on teams are in April, August and December.
Our Leadership team is made up of Leaders and Coordinators.
From 2025, we are pleased to announce that:
Ian and Del will be leading Youth
Ps. Dan will be leading a brothers life group
Ps. Ivy will be supporting the Sisters Life Group leaders
Ps Ivy will continue leading the Hospitality Team. We have decided that over the next year, we will not have coordinators in this team, but instead focus on growing our whole church family to actively be a part of our Hospitality team.
We appreciate the feedback we have received over the recent years. Looking ahead to our 2025 focus, we believe the Life group programme this year will help to draw us all closer and deeper in His Word and in relationship with each other.
SZN 1 from Feb - Mar:
Week 1 - Prayer Meeting
Week 2, 3 - Study session
Week 4 - Big group session
SZN 2 from May - Jul:
Week 1 - Prayer Meeting
Week 2, 3, 4, 5 - Study session
Week 6 - Big group session
SZN 3 from Sep - Nov:
Week 1 - Prayer Meeting
Week 2, 3 - Study session
Week 4 - Big group session
Nov will be an open month where life groups can decide what they would like to do.
In 2025, we will have a focus on growing relationships and fellowship across our church family through big group activities, whether it is with all life groups, or sisters/brothers. More information to come.
This year, the drinks station will be available every Sunday.
Morning Team will only be provided on the last Sunday of the month by Hospitality or a Life group.
Where there is a Family Shared Lunch in the month, we will not have morning tea.
Our Family Shared Lunches are a time of sharing a meal together, breaking bread, sharing testimonies, hanging out, and presenting the upcoming season’s activities, and events.
This is a great opportunity to look back at what God has done in the past 3 months and realign ourselves to the vision and focus for the remaining time of the year.
We have two Family Shared Lunches for 2025:
Feb 2 - this one is important to join because you will hear the plans/programmes for the year.
Oct 19
We believe that parents are the first reflection of Jesus, their children will experience.
Because we currently do not have a children’s programme, we turn our focus to supporting and growing parents who can be confident teachers.
The last two years have seen this group meet on monthly for Sunday lunch/session.
For 2025, we will take a different approach and will share more details about this in the new year.
The Local Creative Church is an event that looks to grow those who serve in their local church and who are passionate about sharing their gift with others.
This event will be Fri 7 and Sat 8 March.
This is an OPEN event for the the local church community.
This is an opportunity for our church to serve the body of Christ. More details to come soon.
We will not be hosting any regional gatherings this year. We thank you for your willingness and heart to serve our regional Pastors and Youth over the recent years.
With all our church spaces, our intention is to make clear to everyone how we gather in every space.
In 2025, we will be making some changes to the church lounge/auditorium.
The black curtain will be replaced with a white curtain that will be hung from wall to wall, with a pathway created to move between the church lounge and auditorium.
The TV will be removed from the church lounge space.
Creating a clear separation between the two spaces, we invite everyone to sit together in the auditorium for worship and listening to His word together.
There will still be space in the lounge for parents with small children. Though the TV will be removed, you will still be able to hear the service over the auditorium speakers.
We appreciate all the life groups who have been a part of our spring cleaning over the recent years.
For 2025, each life group will still be given a list of the area they will clean. We will have one day to do a Spring Cleaning Working Bee together.
Check the church calendar for the date.