This step can be done in your own time.
At the first session, we touched on the understanding that growing in God can happen through connection, community, culture, and by your unique design. The New Start Book that’s available to you in the first step goes into detail about what it means about connection and community. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, go back to the first step - Know God.
However, growing in God starts with your relationship with God; your personal time with Him, reading His Word and praying.
Culture Guide
Our culture guide helps you to understand the environment we intentionally create and foster that will help you to grow in God and with others. Think of the guide as the lines on a race track. Without the lines, you will run aimlessly and everywhere. The lines on the track help you to know where you are going and allow you to focus on the goal ahead.
The guide explains in more detail the events and services we have, the language we use so that we have a sense of family and unity. Basically, the guide helps to clarify things so that we’re all on the same page about how we come together and serve together.
disc personality + spiritual tests
Dive into the details of your personality, discover your gifts, and see how your design reveals your purpose in life and your best fit in ministry.
Discover how God has uniquely designed you by taking the Spiritual Gifts & DISC Assessment.
1. Save your DISC Test as a PDF and email it to our Pastors.
2. You will need to register to complete the Spiritual Gifts test (it’s free + easy). At the end of reading your Spiritual Gifts Results you can enter our email address ( for your results to be sent to our Pastors.
Here is a list of the full definition of Spiritual Gifts > Read List
Congratulations on discovering your spiritual gifts! When you’ve sent your results to our Pastors. They’ll be in touch with you to have a conversation about what you’ve learned about yourself. They’ll help you to understand how you can use your spiritual gifts to SHOW GOD.