


Before service starts, there is a 10 min countdown on the main screen to let everyone know we will be starting service soon. You are welcome to sit anywhere.


When the countdown ends, our Worship Leader will welcome everyone and lead us into Praise and Worship. This part of the service is where we sing a few songs together. Lyrics are projected on the screen for you to join in.

We have put together a few playlists on Youtube and Spotify that include songs we sing during service. Add these songs to your personal playlist so you can get familiar with it Praise songs are generally upbeat and worship songs have a slower tempo. This part of the service will usually take about 20 - 30 mins.








The Word of Encouragement (sermon) is then shared by our Lead Pastor or preacher. An encouragement is a bible teaching and application taken from the bible. We will often read the scripture of focus at the start of the encouragement. We often read from the New Living Translation bible and the Samoan bible. You can bring your bible with you or download the bible app on your device. If you have little ones, check out the Kids Bible App also.

At the end of the encouragement, we may be invited to join in prayer or to take some time to participate in some personal reflection time/activity. This is a practical way we can apply to our lives, the message we’ve just heard.


Following the Word of Encouragement, there is an opportunity to partner with our church family; our Overflow collection is the financial blessing we receive each Sunday in-person. This is open to everyone. Whatever is in your heart to give, we will gladly receive.

2 Corinthians 6:7 You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

We believe that the act of giving is a natural response to the generous love that is given freely to us by our Father in heaven. So we believe that from an overflow of that love, we are enabled to pour love to others in their time of need. Giving can happen in many ways that include time, skills/experience, spiritual gifts and finances.

The other opportunity to give to our church is by making a regular donation through internet banking. This financial blessing helps our church family/ministry continue reaching and growing others like you through bible teaching and getting involved in serving others.

We hope that you can partner with us through your regular giving and/or in our commitment to pour into others in need through our Overflow collection, then get in touch with us for more information.


At the end of every service, we pray together. Our Lead Pastor will either share some final words or some brief local notices. We encourage you to stick around to hear what we have coming up as this gives you some insight into the life of our church family.